Showing 1–12 of 31 results

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INGREDIENTS: Orange, tamarindo, tahin, watermelon


INGREDIENTS: Cabbage, blueberry, strawberry, banana, yogurth, hibiscus, almond milk

Cantaloupe coconut LASSI

INGREDIENTS: Coconut water, coconut milk, yogurt, cantaloupe, coconut flake, honey, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, salt.

Chocoalmond (side plank)

INGREDIENTS: Almond milk, peanut butter, heavy cream

Cinnamon Raspberry (plank)

INGREDIENTS: cinnamon, almond milk, raspberries, spinach ,almond butter

Cocoberry (Dumbdell)

INGREDIENTS: Coconut milk, black berry, coconut and mint.

Grape cream

INGREDIENTS: Grape, rosemary, coconut, mint, ginger, cardamomo.


INGREDIENTS: Orchata, strawberry


INGREDIENTS: Beets,cucumber,strawberry,jamaica.

La nina fresa

INGREDIENTS: Milk, strawberry, jalapeño

Mango Peach

INGREDIENTS: greek yogurt, peach, mango, honey, coconut water

Mango Picoso

INGREDIENTS: Mango,coconut water, albahaca, cucumber