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INGREDIENTS: Jicama, tomatoes, celery, onion, lime, bell pepper, carrots, olive oil.

Green salad

INGREDIENTS: Greens, cucumber, totkmoes, carrots, nuts, dressing. Optional cheese

Quinoa salad

INGREDIENTS: Chick peas, mint, parsley, onion, cucumber, quinoa, olives, feta cheese.

Spinach salad

INGREDIENTS: Spinach, nuts, sesami seeds, dressing bacon or cheese

Thai vegetables pasta

INGREDIENTS: Carrots, squash, beets, soy beans, cilantro, corn, peanuts, sauce: olive and sesame oil, maple, rice vinegar, peanut butter, ginger, habanero

Veggie tacos

INGREDIENTS: Carrot,squash,cabbage,avocado,cherrys,chile, spinach and cilantro leaves, orange and sweet salsa

Watermelon salad

INGREDIENTS: Watermelon, mint, avocado, cheese, onion, cucumber.